Men Who Practice Withdrawal Method Are Prone to Premature Ejaculation

The withdrawal method, also known as coitus interruptus, is a common contraceptive technique where the man withdraws his penis from the vagina before ejaculation. While this method can reduce the risk of pregnancy, it may inadvertently lead to issues like premature ejaculation (PE). Understanding this connection is crucial for men who rely on this method for birth control.



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How Withdrawal Can Lead to Premature Ejaculation

The withdrawal method requires a man to be highly aware of his timing and control during intercourse. This constant focus on when to withdraw can create anxiety and stress, which are known triggers for premature ejaculation. The pressure to “pull out” at the right moment can lead to rushing the process, resulting in a habit of ejaculating quickly.

Additionally, the withdrawal method often disrupts the natural rhythm of sexual activity. This disruption can lead to a lack of control over ejaculation, as the man may become conditioned to ejaculate quickly in anticipation of withdrawal. Over time, this can contribute to the development of premature ejaculation.

The Risks of Relying on Withdrawal Method

Beyond the risk of premature ejaculation, relying on the withdrawal method as a primary form of contraception has other risks. It is less effective than other methods in preventing pregnancy and does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Men who frequently use this method may also experience increased anxiety around sexual performance, further exacerbating the risk of PE.

Alternative Approaches

To reduce the risk of premature ejaculation and other complications, men may consider alternative contraceptive methods that do not involve withdrawal. Using condoms, for instance, not only provides effective contraception but can also reduce sensitivity, helping to delay ejaculation. Couples may also explore other reliable birth control methods that suit their lifestyle and reduce the psychological pressure associated with the withdrawal method.








